Mince pies

How to make traditional mince pies. Yes! The traditional recipe requires real minced beef  steak to make delicious sweet pies. It is quite elaborated so this time start preparing the stuffing. 


1 lb feedless raisins  

1 1/2 Lb currants

1/2 Lb lean rump steak minced

1 1/2 Lb beef suet, chopped

1 Lb dark brown sugar

1 oz candied citron peel, chopped

1 oz candied lemon peel, chopped

1 oz candied orange peel, chopped

1/2 small nutmeg, grated

1  1/2 Lb apples, peeled and cored

the rind of one lemon

the juice of 1/2 lemon

1/4 pt brandy

Mix all the ingredients together in the order given. Chop the apples before adding them to the rest. Pour in the brandy when everything else is well mixed together.

Press closely into jars, to exclude the air. Cover and leave for at least a fortnight.

And now we wait.

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